The school of success
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The school of success
Everybody dreams of a certain kind of school that can graduate effective citivens, but as I usually say, it’s, too, a mental-based equation! We construct nice and attractive school buildings with qualified norms, we choose qualified curricula but we fail most of the time, why?
You know this proverb ‘’You can take a horse to the river but you can’t make him drinking’’, even the water may be pure and nice! The fact’s that we focus on the material aspect and we forget or give little importance the capital which’s learners or children in general!
We’ve, first, to change our beliefs and convictions towards learners, especially pupils, through these steps:
1-Everybody must be concerned with providing an atmosphere of success for learners.
2-Everybogy must consider and treat any child as if he/she’s their own one.
3-Everybody, especially parents and teachers, should treat children as young men and women, and not as young boys and girls.
4-Teachers should go down to the pupil’s land in order to turn them up to their level.
5-Teachers should enkindle learners’ desire for learning rather than forcing them to learn.
6-Teachers should avoid comparing learners to each others.
In order to achieve these objectives, mass media must participate as far as it has a great impact on society ! It has to deliver tv documents, films, debates.., about child’s psychology, new teaching methods, self-development, positive thinking.., so as to heighten people’s consciousness..!
You know this proverb ‘’You can take a horse to the river but you can’t make him drinking’’, even the water may be pure and nice! The fact’s that we focus on the material aspect and we forget or give little importance the capital which’s learners or children in general!
We’ve, first, to change our beliefs and convictions towards learners, especially pupils, through these steps:
1-Everybody must be concerned with providing an atmosphere of success for learners.
2-Everybogy must consider and treat any child as if he/she’s their own one.
3-Everybody, especially parents and teachers, should treat children as young men and women, and not as young boys and girls.
4-Teachers should go down to the pupil’s land in order to turn them up to their level.
5-Teachers should enkindle learners’ desire for learning rather than forcing them to learn.
6-Teachers should avoid comparing learners to each others.
In order to achieve these objectives, mass media must participate as far as it has a great impact on society ! It has to deliver tv documents, films, debates.., about child’s psychology, new teaching methods, self-development, positive thinking.., so as to heighten people’s consciousness..!
New Post- مديرة ستار ديس
- تاريخ التسجيل : 24/08/2018المساهمات : 4133نقاط التميز : 6472الجنس :العمر : 25الأبراج :
رد: The school of success
بارك الله فيك وشكرا على المتابعة
Derraz Boujemaa- مؤسس ستار ديس
- تاريخ التسجيل : 20/08/2018المساهمات : 5189نقاط التميز : 9415الجنس :
رد: The school of success
شكرا علي الطرح المميز
MasTar- عضو مميز
- تاريخ التسجيل : 26/10/2018المساهمات : 602نقاط التميز : 606الجنس :العمر : 23الأبراج :
رد: The school of success
alzagri- عضو جديد
- تاريخ التسجيل : 29/10/2018المساهمات : 122نقاط التميز : 130الجنس :العمر : 26الأبراج :
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